The next chapter of your career starts here!

It takes an expert to know an expert. We facilitate your next career move

You call the shots in the IT market. The demand for IT experts has never been so high. A recruitment service with no technical expertise is the last thing you need right now. We don’t spam you with hundreds of unsuitable job offers. We find the needle in the haystack – the You call the shots in the IT market. The demand for IT experts has never been so high. A recruitment service with no technical expertise is the last thing you need right now. We don’t spam you with hundreds of unsuitable job offers. We find the needle in the haystack – the job with your name on it. The perfect fit for you and your skills. job with your name on it. The perfect fit for you and your skills. 

All-inclusive support

We know you can find a good job on your own. But the PERFECT job? That’s where we come in! We’re in direct contact with people who are looking for IT experts today. In other words, your future manager. Instead of using a standardised HR process, we come straight to the point. Who needs you when and what for? And what are they offering?

The team from softwareXperts provides you with free all-inclusive support. But what does that mean for you exactly?

  • A CV that shines: We polish up your CV, presenting you authentically
  • Coaching: We know what you need to know for your interview and make sure you’re well prepared.
  • Tailor-made job offers: We clarify the exact requirements as soon as possible and draw up a list of the technical specifications. We don’t waste your time with generic job offers that don’t fit your skills.
  • Quick, concise and respectful: That sums us up nicely. We don’t want to hold up your job search by taking a long time to get back to you. That’s never been our thing.
  • Transparent costs: Our approach is results-oriented. Your job search with us won’t cost you a cent.
  • Fair conditions: You deserve the best! We´ re committed to establishing fair conditions that enable people to carry out their work correctly and safely.
  • We´ re with you all the way: We coach you every step of the way along the application process and are still there to help with any queries once you´ve been hired.

Are you ready for the next chapter in your career?


Our roadmap for successful partnerships


Put yourself on our radar!


Are you talented? We want to know more! What do you excel in and what sets you apart? Pick up the phone and give our recruitment team a call, or upload your CV!

Arrange an appointment with our recruitment team!



ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT                                  UPLOAD YOUR CV


The right offer?


Perhaps you’ll find a job with your name on it when you browse the offers on our platform – the perfect fit for you and your skills.


Nothing of interest?

Don’t worry! We’re in contact with thousands of companies, including your next employer!




We’re receiving loud and clear!


We’ve got a job description with your name on it and we’re in contact with your potential future employer. We organise a meeting for you to get to know one another, making sure you’re fully prepared. Of course, we’ll help you every step of the way, for example, if you need to go for a trial day at the company or attend an assessment centre.


You’re hired!


When everything goes well between you and your (future) employer, we take care of the official side of things.

We insist on establishing fair conditions that allow you to carry out your work correctly and safely. We inform you clearly about the key elements of the contract.


We’re with you all the way!


Our support doesn’t just stop there. We’ve never been ones to turn on our heels as soon as our job is done. We’re still there for you once you’ve started your new job. If you have any questions, issues, or requests for changes, we offer reliable and empathetic support.


Contract over? Let the next one begin!


When one door closes, another one opens. If your employment contract happens to come to an end, we’re there to help. Chances are we’ll be sending you your next job description in to time at all.